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Police say the cameras can serve as a digital neighborhood watch.

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Be sure to keep weather and location in mind when choosing indoor security systems versus outdoor security systems and ones that can be utilized in both places.

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For my next test, I installed this near a second floor window at several different angles.

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Your personal habits can also play a role in home security. The Ill encourages homeowners to routinely lock doors and windows and arm the alarm system when exiting your home. If you’ll be gone awhile, the III suggests giving the appearance that your home is occupied: Leave blinds in their usual positions, make a plan to defer mail and other deliveries, and use light timers in various areas of the home smart home devices can help with this task. Another tip from the III: Remove house keys when leaving keys with a parking attendant. That’s because tech savvy thieves can duplicate your house key simply by taking a picture of it. Our pages are filled with helpful tips and information about the topics that most of us face in our everyday lives.

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It has the highest video quality, can recognize individual faces—and can announce them to you, too.

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